Sunday, June 6, 2010

Oops, I haven't had time to update. Bullet list!

~Office hours with WeFarm down in the German district. Went over the new workplans, got a list of some suppliers from Aleks, and got to FINALLY see some of the business side of this operation.
~Claudine and I went to Medieval Times. Totally corny but sooo funny and we had front row seats. Royalty upgrade, yayah!!

~My first day of work with Mid Continental Building Corporation. LOVED IT. LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE. I work on the top floor of the Hyde Park Bank building on the south side. The building is circa 1926, and our office is converted from an old ballroom. Neato!

Keith, the accountant I work with, is a very flamboyant man who is tons of fun and laughs a lot. So I think we'll get along well. There's also a cute cafe across the street that attracts students from nearby Chicago University.

My first tasks involved synchronizing the Quickbooks records with the actual paper leases that my boss holds- checking that the dates are the same, that the leases aren't missing, etc. Then I updated new lease info in Quickbooks and made a list of the leases that are expiring within the month. Tomorrow (I will be working with them Mondays, Tuesdays, and Saturdays) I am going to start writing new leases for tenants. I also had to sort out the boss's vendors and organize invoices according to date. Boss says this is the easier part of my job, and the hard stuff will come as soon as we're done organizing all these documents.

~Last night Claudine came into the Loop again and we went to Russian Tea Time, supposedly a very famous restaurant right around the corner from my apartment. Very expensive!! We also saw the Buckingham Fountain.

~New roommate came home with her boyfriend at 2 AM and they had very loud dirty sex in her room. Angela, Haley and I were not pleased. Especially me- I had to get up early this morning. Her boyfriend seriously needs to get out of our apartment. We are sick of seeing him walk around in his underwear. Yes, douchebag, you are attractive. We know. Now go put some fucking clothes on.

Sunday (today):
~Got up early and took the blue line out to Logan Square. Was supposed to meet Alex there for the Farmer's Market (Outreach task) by 10 but I got there a little early. A homeless guy on a bike rode past me and went "HEEEEEYYYYY SWEETIE". Not two minutes later, a really scary looking thug walked past and said "HI THERE. HOW YOU DOIN?"

We strolled through the market and found a way to sign up WeFarm for a demo booth. So that was productive. Then we went back to Alex's new apartment and got these wicked cool blueberry bars that he made for the corny Garden Party. 2 bus rides and 1 hour later, we arrived at the party.

Actually it was a lot of fun. Good turnout, good demonstrations, etc. Except there was one strange hippie girl who kept doing yoga and not caring that her skirt was up to her crotch while she writhed around on the grass. When Seneca was explaining how dried blood (from livestock- you can buy it at stores) is good for soil, she raised her hand and said "I use my own blood!" Ladies, you know what that means. *shudder* Groooossssss. It was so awkward. Later, as she was talking to me, she saw a pregnant woman walk by. She went "Pregnant women are soooo beautiful." My response: "Heh......hehhh..."

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